Linux Root Filesystem
The root filesystem is the last component of embedded Linux.
To make a minimal rootfs, these components are essential:
init: The init script is an executable binary which kicks everything off. More about it, in the Initramfs section.
Shell: A shell is needed for command prompts and running functions in the init script.
Daemons: Background programs providing services to others. E.g. dockerd, syslogd, sshd, …
Shared libraries: Most programs depend on shared libraries
Config files: Series of files needed to configure systemd, init, etc. Usually present in /etc
Device nodes: Special files giving access to device drivers.
proc, sys fs: Pseudo filesystem running in RAM and representing the Kernel structure as a hierarchy of files
Kernel modules: If kernel modules are used, they are (most of the time) stored in /lib/modules/[kernel version]
Device specific applications: Apps that make the device do the job it is intended to do
The init file doesn’t have to be the initial script. In case a developer has created his very own init script (e.g. /custom-init), it can replace the default init script by passing it to the kernel command line: init=/custom-init
Base structure
The rootfs usually has the following base structure:
/bin => Symlink to /usr/bin: executable binaries.
/dev => Devices (Disks, tty, …).
/etc => Static system configs.
/home => Home directory for system users.
/lib => Symlink to /usr/lib: Libraries, shared objects (.so files, …).
/proc => Pseudo filesystem for kernel status and hardware info.
/sbin => symlinks /usr/sbin: System executables.
/sys => RAM-based pseudo filesystem to get info about the system.
/tmp => Temporary files. Gets wiped after reboot.
/usr => UnixSystemResources. Manpages, scripts, executables, …
/var => Changing variables: Log-files, Game progress, printer queue, …
/boot => Everything needed for booting, mounted on another partition.
/lost+found => Lost files and fragments that have been found by e.g. recovering from system damage.
/opt => Usually used for additional, non-free licensed programms.
/root => Home directory for root user.
/run => /var/run symlinks this. Used for daemons in early rootfs.
More base information about the Linux rootfs here!
Mastering Embedded Linux Programming - Third Edition By Frank Vasquez, Chris Simmonds